Thursday, May 15, 2008

One week and three days before departure...

I am excited. I have started to think about packing and what I will need in order for me to get the most out of my trip to South Africa.

I am unsure of what to expect. Keeping an open and brave mind has been a priority of mine and will continue to be. Again, I am more than excited.

Expect to hear more interesting things from me in a little over a week.



Christen in Cape Town said...

Have a great trip Jesse!! I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

merrilee said...

Have an awesome experience, Jesse.
I love you,Mom

merrilee said...

Jesse, sorry I missed your call. So glad you have all arrived.
Love, Mom

merrilee said...

I am reading your blog and am amazed at what you are thinking and feeling. life as you know it is so different where you are now. Take it all in. stay safe but keep your heart open.
Love you,
tomorrow sounds like an exciting day going on a safari. take lots of pictures.......